We can no longer leave research into medical education to chance.
Since 2010, four UK-wide reviews of healthcare failings have all called for a change in the culture of the healthcare workforce, acknowledging that “culture will trump rules, standards and control strategies every single time”. Although defining culture is complex, central has to be good staff support, training, and management, which in turn “nurture caring cultures by ensuring that staff feel valued, respected, engaged and supported’.
Clinical research to fight major illnesses clearly benefits society, but without highly trained doctors the advances from that research could not be put into effective practice. Yet at times it seems as if we spend money on bigger faster engines, better suspension, and flashier bodywork yet buy the cheapest oil. Without the best oil, replenished and maintained, the whole machine slowly grinds to a halt-rusted and broken from the inside….Still rigorous research into medical education by experts in the field is seriously threatened by the lack of funding.
CMEPEDIA intends to collect data which could be used for research in medical education.