Country faces dearth of quality docs.
Despite having the most number of medical colleges in the world, and about 9,29 lakh doctors enrolled in the Indian Medical Register, India is much behind in achieving the targeted doctor-population ratio of 1:1000 as per WHO norms….
Assuming 80% availability of the doctors listed in the register, it is estimated that around 7,4 lakh doctors may be actually available for service, leading to a doctor-population ratio of 1:1,674. This data, however, is questionable as the IMR is not a live register and there is no way to find out if everyone on the list is available. The actual doctor-population ratio is suspected to be wel above the 1:2000 mark.
Every year around 55,000 MBBS and 25,000 MD doctors graduate from various colleges. At this rate of growth, India should have a doctor-population ratio of 1:1,250 for a population of 133 crore by 2020 and 1:1,075 by 2022 (population: 136 crore)…..Many MBBS graduates opt for MD/MCH for acquiring more skills, but since only 50% undergraduate students can go for post-graduation in India, a large number of MBBS graduates pass out……
Besides MBBS doctors, there is acute shortage of the number of specialists and super-specialists. Official data demonstrates that on March 2015, out of the sanctioned posts of government doctors, 74,6% posts of surgeons; 65,4 % posts of obstetricians and gynaecologists; 68,1% posts of physicians and 62,8% posts of paediatricians were vacant. Overall 67.6% of the sanctioned posts of specialists at the community health centres were vacant….
An estimate presented before MPs suggests that if 100 medical colleges are added every year for the next 5 years, then by 2029, India will have adequate number of doctors….
The uneven distribution of medical colleges is evident from the fact that 6 states representing 31% of India’s population have 58% of the MBBS seats; while 8 states which compromise 46% of India’s population have 21% of MBBS seats….
It requires out of the box thinking on part of the government and MCI to increase the number of medical colleges, arrange for the faculty and maintain the quality.
Doctors as well as faculty are a scarce resource in India. CMEPEDIA wants to ease some of the pressure both professional groups are experiencing by facilitating the access to quality controlled information and lowering their administrational burden.