Connectivity can scale up enrolment
Virtual education
Keeping in mind the efforts and time required to build up the physical infrastructure, the virtual, online medium of education can quickly fill up the void without compromising on the quality of education. Various reports published across the world are corroborative of the fact that the ICT based audio-visual medium has immense potential, if delivered well, to deliver high quality, highly interactive, yet highly flexible learning to the masses.
A large number of the universities are facing challenges in recruiting qualified, trained teachers at their remote locations. The UGC may consider providing a guideline to all universities and institutions to use ICT effectively to meet the gaps of availability of good quality faculty.
A number of students can benefit from this tool immensely, if provided with additional facilities such as video-based lectures, formative assessments in the form of quizzes, and podcasts as well to complement the classroom learning.
Globalised education
Universities, who build up their capacities, with the help of ICT and service a larger student base should be allowed to offer their courses to students abroad. Internet has come as a great opportunity and leveller for educational institutes.
Indian universities who are allowed to offer online courses that does not require the creation of physical infrastructure in foreign soil, should have the permission to enrol students irrespective of the geographical boundaries. These courses can target the Indian diaspora residing across the world and help them improve their qualification. In many countries such as Middle East, there are no avenues available to Indians to study further.
There are also vast opportunities in our neighbouring SAARC countries and Africa where Indian education is highly regarded and Indian universities can offer cost-effective education.
CMEPEDIA offers quality education to the masses. India is its initial market as it offers a robust testing ground, close to its cradle in Bangalore. In order to succeed, cost effectiveness is essential to attract users. Meeting this demand of cost effectiveness, will ease a global roll out in a later stage.